The Fire and Ice Facial treatment is a cosmetic procedure that works in two steps. The first is to resurface the skin to promote a smoother and healthier top layer of skin and the next step in the process is to hydrate the skin for a glowing, more refreshed appearance. As the name suggests, it uses a combination of heating and cooling techniques to achieve the desired skin results.The fire mask heats up the skin to facilitate the process of exfoliation and resurfacing.
The fire and ice facial is a safe and effective cosmetic treatment that can address fine lines and wrinkles while smoothing out rough skin. It is capable of reducing the appearance of unsightly blemishes, hyperpigmentation, and boosting cell regeneration. It takes about 40 minutes to perform and patients can safely return to their normal daily activities without any problems. Unlike invasive surgical procedures, it does not require a long period of downtime for recovery